====== Wiki ====== The Poo Institute Wiki is hosted at https://poo.institute/ It is running on AWS EC2 with docker-compose. The docker-compose.yml contains: version: '3' services: dokuwiki: image: lscr.io/linuxserver/dokuwiki:latest container_name: dokuwiki environment: - PUID=1000 # Replace with your user ID - PGID=1000 # Replace with your group ID - TZ=Etc/UTC # Replace with your timezone if needed volumes: - ./dokuwiki/config:/config ports: - 80:80 # Access DokuWiki via http://localhost:8080 - 443:443 # Optional: Access via https://localhost:8443 restart: unless-stopped The domain is registered with Cloudflare. ===== TODO ===== * Prometheus Agent for collecting Wiki metrics like number of pages added. * Backups using CRON to zip and upload to S3.